Smart Window Choices

by | Oct 31, 2023 | Rate It Green Newsletter | 0 comments

Check out October’s newsletter from Rate It Green- our Green Building Marketing Partner

Rate It Green Members and Friends – 

Do you have window questions?  We’ve got some information and answers!  Green Builder Matt Hoots of Sawhorse, Inc. has been busy answering Rate It Green Member questions and also interviewing manufacturers to learn about their energy efficient window and doors as well as the latest technological advances. 

Matt recently recorded a series of conversations to answer key window questions, including:

Matt also interviewed Mike Barcik, a Technical Principal at Southface, about Windows and Energy Efficiency.  The two review quite a few key concepts, including U factors and how average U factors are changing as technology advances, Low-E coatings, top materials, and installation considerations. They also share some sage advice!

Also check out Matt’s recent conversation about Arcadia Custom Windows and Doors. Arcadia’s windows and doors have met the challenge to prevent energy loss and meet or even exceed energy codes with steel doors and windows. Also, watching the automation on these windows and doors is pretty fun.

There’s more to come, and we’ll be posting more window related content in the next days and weeks.  Check out our YouTube Windows Playlist to see all Rate It Green window video content, and please do subscribe to our YouTube channel if you haven’t already! 

Did you know that the Inflation Reduction Act includes tax credits and will include rebates for energy efficient window upgrades, and other weatherization renovations? You can claim up to 30% of your window upgrade costs up to $600, and total energy efficient home improvements up to $3200.  Additionally, clean energy tax credits at 30% have no cap.  Check out our Introduction to the Inflation Reduction Act as well as our IRA Tools and Resources List to learn more.  We’ll be updating this information, particularly as energy efficient and clean energy rebates become available and roll out, estimated in 2024. We welcome your feedback and other IRA resources to add to our growing list.  

What questions do you have about windows and energy efficiency?  What other points can you add to these discussions?  Rate It Green Members, jump in and add your voice!  If you aren’t already a Rate It Green member, Join Today – It’s FREE! Let’s get as many window and other green building conversations going as possible, so we can all learn more and build more sustainably together.  

Thank you,
Allison Friedman
Founder, Rate It Green

‘Want to catch up? Check out some of Rate It Green’s favorite past newsletters: 

The “Perfect Wall” – Explained and Demonstrated
Strategic Ventilation for Efficiency & Health
Build It Tight, Build It Right
The Future of Gas Cooking
The Forgotten Side of Buildings
Residential Green Building and Certifications
Ugly Needs a New Definition 
Humidity Control – Protecting Your Investment & Health 
How Much Do We Really Know about Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)? 
Important Conversations about Electrification 






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